what is haq mehr

1 year ago 119

Haq Mehr, also known as Mahr, is a mandatory gift or token of respect given by the husband to the wife in Islamic marriages. It is an essential aspect of the Nikah (marriage) and is often a monetary amount, although it can also be in the form of jewelry, home goods, furniture, a dwelling, or land, depending on the agreement between the bride and groom. The purpose of Haq Mehr is to provide financial security for the wife and demonstrate the husbands commitment to the marriage.

In Islamic marriage contracts, the Nikah Nama covers Haq Mehr in clauses 13-16. The Mahr may be separated into two parts: the muqaddam, or the prompt Mahr, which the wife must receive at or immediately after the marriage ceremony, and the mu'akhar, a deferred and promised amount payable at any agreed-upon date following the consummation of the marriage. Often, the deferred amount is larger than the amount paid at marriage.

The responsibility of paying the Haq Mehr can be on the husband or any other person who agrees to pay it, depending on the mutual agreement of the couple. It is important for couples to discuss their financial goals, hopes, and present situations before signing the marriage contract and embracing marriage, as the Haq Mehr plays a role in understanding each other's perspectives on money and how they wish to handle it.