what is hip drop tackle

11 months ago 23

A hip drop tackle is a controversial tackling technique that has been the subject of much discussion in rugby league and American football. The technique involves a player dropping their body weight onto an opponents legs in such a way as to constitute an unacceptable risk of injury. The tackle is considered dangerous because the full body weight of the tackler lands directly on the legs of the opponent, which can cause serious injury. The technique has been the subject of much debate in both codes, with some arguing that it should be banned altogether. The NRL has clarified that a hip drop tackle occurs when a player drops their body weight onto an opponents legs in such a way as to constitute an unacceptable risk of injury. The tackle has been compared to other dangerous tackles such as spear tackles, dangerous throws, and punching, which have been effectively addressed in the past. However, the data on hip drop tackles is heading in the wrong direction, and there is a need to address the issue.