what is ihl

11 months ago 22

International humanitarian law (IHL), also known as the laws of armed conflict, is a set of rules that seek to limit the effects of armed conflict for humanitarian reasons. It regulates the conduct of war and lays out the responsibilities of states and non-state armed groups during an armed conflict. IHL is based on the 1949 Fourth Geneva Convention on protecting civilians in conflict and the 1977 and 2005 Additional Protocols. The rules are designed to protect civilians and humanitarian and medical workers during armed conflicts in any part of the world. IHL protects persons who are not, or are no longer, directly or actively participating in hostilities, and imposes limits on the means and methods of warfare. Its central purpose is to limit and prevent human suffering in times of armed conflict. International humanitarian law regulates the treatment of the wounded and prohibits attacks against civilians and the use of certain weapons. It also ensures the protection of non-combatants, Red Cross/Red Crescent and medical personnel, and prisoners of war. The ICRC Customary International Humanitarian Law study identified 161 rules of customary IHL that they suggest make up customary international humanitarian law that are binding on all parties to conflict.