what is lethal equipment in call of duty mobile

1 year ago 90

In Call of Duty: Mobile, lethal equipment refers to the section of equipment that has the ability to inflict damage on enemies. The current list of lethal equipment in COD Mobile includes the following items:

  • Frag Grenade: A throwable grenade that explodes after a short delay.
  • Sticky Grenade: A grenade that sticks to surfaces and explodes after a few seconds.
  • Trip Mine: A magnetic mine that launches into the air and detonates when an enemy interrupts the beam.
  • Combat Axe: A throwable axe that kills enemies instantly on impact.
  • Thermite: A weapon that sticks to surfaces and inflicts damage.

These items are used to damage or kill enemies and can complement different classes in various ways, such as helping to deal damage, cover flanks, or stop enemy pushes