what is lipolysis injections

11 months ago 32

Injection lipolysis is a cosmetic procedure that uses a chemical injected with fine needles to destroy fat cells in targeted areas. The chemical used is usually deoxycholic acid or a mix of phosphatidylcholine, which results in fat cell disruption and death. The procedure is minimally invasive and is one of the few nonsurgical fat reduction treatments available. It is FDA-approved for use in the chin area to eliminate a "double chin". The purpose of injection lipolysis is to get rid of stubborn pockets of fat that cannot be eliminated through reasonable dieting and exercising. The treatment is suitable for shaping and gently tightening various small problem areas, such as the face, double chin, sagging cheeks, and small fat deposits.

The procedure can be done under local anesthesia, which is injected into the treatment area beneath the chin. After the anesthesia is injected, a precise amount of medication is injected in a grid pattern that has been pre-marked on the skin beneath the chin. The medication is injected as a single treatment. There is no downtime, but patients may experience swelling, bruising, pain, redness, and feel areas of hardness that resolve over time.

Complications are uncommon and include nerve injury that can result in an uneven smile. In rare instances, patients have also reported difficulty swallowing after the procedure. The injection lipolysis is a controversial cosmetic procedure, and no placebo-controlled studies have demonstrated the safety or efficacy of this therapy. However, numerous retrospective studies of Lipostabil injections have reported the efficacy of this practice.