what is mahalwari system for class 8

1 year ago 103

The Mahalwari system was a form of land revenue collection system introduced by the British in India during the colonial period. It was introduced in 1822 by Holt Mackenzie and later reformed during the period of William Bentick (1833) . The system was primarily used in North-West India, including the North West Frontier, Agra, Punjab, Gangetic valley, and Central Province. The Mahalwari system had elements of both the Zamindari and Ryotwari systems. Under this system, the land revenue was collected from the farmers by the village headmen on behalf of the whole village, and not the zamindar. The entire village was converted into one bigger unit called ‘Mahal’ and was treated as one unit for revenue collection purposes. Each individual farmer gave his share, and ownership rights were with the peasants. The system introduced the concept of average rents for different soil classes, and the state share of the revenue was determined by the average rent.