what is mailing address with example

1 year ago 101

A mailing address is an address that senders can use to send you postal mail. It is different from a physical address, which is the location of a building on a specific street, in a specific town or city, inside of a specific state or province. A common example of a mailing address is a P.O. box, which is a mailing address but not a physical address. Heres how to write a mailing address:

  • The first line should have the recipient's full name.
  • Write the delivery address on the second line, including the building/apartment/suite number and the street name.
  • On the third line, write the city name, state abbreviation, and ZIP code.

When writing postal addresses on envelopes and postcards, it's important to differentiate between the mailing address and return address. The sender's address should be mentioned in the top-left corner of the envelope, while the recipient's address should be placed in the center. The address format for return addresses is the same as the format used for regular mailing addresses.