what is mead drink

1 year ago 52

Mead, also known as hydromel, is an alcoholic beverage made by fermenting honey mixed with water, and sometimes with added ingredients such as fruits, spices, grains, or hops. The alcoholic content of mead ranges from about 3.5% ABV to more than 20% . It is often referred to as "honey wine" due to its similarity to wine-making processes, but the key difference is the use of honey instead of grapes as a source of sugar. Mead can be dry, semi-sweet, or sweet, and it can also be still, carbonated, or naturally sparkling. There are various types of mead, such as melomel (mead with fruit), pyment (mead fermented with grape juice), and mulled mead (flavored with spices and warmed) . Mead is believed to predate wine by nearly three thousand years and is considered to be the first known alcoholic beverage consumed by mankind. It is a versatile drink that can be aged, flavored, and enjoyed in various ways, making it a unique and diverse option for beverage enthusiasts.