what is natural gas

11 months ago 41

Natural gas is a fossil fuel and non-renewable resource that is primarily composed of methane, a compound with one carbon atom, and various smaller amounts of other higher alkanes. It is formed when layers of organic matter, primarily marine microorganisms, decompose under anaerobic conditions and are subjected to intense heat and pressure underground over millions of years. The energy that the decayed organisms originally obtained from the sun via photosynthesis is stored as chemical energy within the molecules of methane and other hydrocarbons.

Some key facts about natural gas include:

  • Composition: Natural gas contains many different compounds, but the largest component is methane.
  • Uses: Natural gas is used for a variety of purposes, including electric power production, residential and commercial heating and cooking, industrial uses, and transportation fuel.
  • Environmental impact: While natural gas is the cleanest burning fossil fuel, its combustion still produces pollution and is a major contributor to climate change.
  • Extraction: Natural gas is extracted from natural gas or crude oil wells and is sometimes found in coal deposits.

It is important to note that natural gas is not to be confused with gasoline, which is a different petroleum-based fuel.