what is npp steroid

1 year ago 103

Nandrolone phenylpropionate (NPP) is an androgen and anabolic steroid (AAS) medication that has been used primarily in the treatment of breast cancer and osteoporosis in women. It is given by injection into muscle once every week. Although it was widely used in the past, the drug has mostly been discontinued and hence is now mostly no longer available.

In bodybuilding and athletic circles, NPP is commonly used as an anabolic steroid to boost size and muscularity. It is effective for bulking cycles and can provide steady growth in a slow and steady manner. NPP is also known for its joint discomfort relief and recovery benefits, which many bodybuilders use in smaller doses. It is not usually chosen for strength gains, however.

NPP is a nandrolone ester and a long-lasting prodrug of nandrolone in the body. It has highly dose-dependent effects on body weight, fat deposition, and muscle protein synthesis. NPP has less androgenic activity compared to dihydrotestosterone but has higher anabolic activity than total testosterone.