what is oceana

11 months ago 16

Oceana is the largest international advocacy organization focused solely on ocean conservation. It is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit ocean conservation organization that is committed to combating overfishing and restoring the worlds fisheries). Oceana focuses on legislation for scientific-based catch limits, which have led to dramatic recoveries of depleted fisheries in the recent past. It also opposes fishing subsidies, which it argues are contributing to overfishing). Oceana also focuses on reducing bycatch, especially of protected or endangered species). The organization generally opposes focusing on recycling or cleanup, and it says this is due to inefficiencies of recycling the large amounts of plastics in the ocean). Oceana is dedicated to combating the numerous threats to the worlds oceans that climate change imposes). Its main focus has been the acidification of the ocean, which threatens marine life, especially shellfish and coral that are necessary to many marine ecosystems, and consequently, sources of seafood). Oceana also focuses on promoting offshore wind farms and combating the use of offshore drilling and seismic airgun blasting). Oceana uses scientific reports, legal action, strategic communication, and grassroots organizing to push for better fishery management. The organization has won more than 275 victories and protected nearly 4 million square miles of ocean.