what is off the job training

1 year ago 114

Off-the-job training refers to a type of training that takes place outside of the employees regular work environment. It is a popular training method that organizations use to train employees outside the workplace. Unlike on-the-job training, off-the-job training involves giving training to the employees at a place other than the real job location, where simulations, videos, and tests are replacing the human interaction. Off-the-job training courses allow employees to undertake training away from their place of work, through day release, online or distance learning, as well as other methods. Off-the-job training methods include classroom lectures, case studies, role-playing, simulation, and more. This type of training can be tailored to meet the organization's and employees' specific needs and can cover a wide range of topics, including corporate work, workplace diversity, soft skills, and hard skills. Off-the-job training is an important tool for organizations looking to develop the skills and knowledge of their employees and can lead to exponential growth.