what is pagan

1 year ago 53

Paganism is a term used to describe religions that do not worship the God of Abraham, which is central to Christianity, Judaism, and Islam

. The term was first used by early Christians in the fourth century to describe people in the Roman Empire who practiced polytheism or ethnic religions other than Judaism

. Until the 20th century, people did not call themselves pagans to describe the religion they practiced. The notion of paganism, as it is generally understood today, was created by the early Christian Church, and it was a label that Christians applied to others

. Modern pagan traditions often incorporate beliefs or practices, such as nature worship, that are different from those of the largest world religions

. Modern paganism includes reconstructed religions such as Roman Polytheistic Reconstructionism, Hellenism, Slavic Native Faith, Celtic Reconstructionist Paganism, or heathenry, as well as modern eclectic traditions such as Wicca and its many offshoots, Neo-Druidism, and Discordianism