what is parole vs probation

11 months ago 26

Probation and parole are two distinct legal concepts that are often used interchangeably, but they have some key differences. Here are the main differences between probation and parole:


  • Probation is a court-ordered supervision that allows a defendant to remain in the community instead of serving their sentence in jail or prison.
  • Probation is granted by a judge or jury as part of the offenders initial sentence.
  • Probationers have generally served no jail time, and the sentencing judge maintains jurisdiction over them.
  • The judge has discretion when it comes to handing down required terms for probation, which can include community service, drug testing, and treatment programs.
  • Probationers must abide by certain terms and conditions of probation, such as meeting with a probation officer on a regular basis.


  • Parole is community supervision that is granted to an inmate who has already served time in jail or prison for a felony-level offense.
  • Parole is granted by a parole board after an offender has exhibited good behavior while in prison.
  • Parolees have often served a substantial portion of their sentences behind bars.
  • Once an inmate is released on parole, they must report to an officer in the parole division and abi...