Pathological demand avoidance (PDA) is a proposed disorder and sub-type of autism spectrum disorder, defined by characteristics such as a greater-than- typical refusal to comply with requests or expectations and extreme need for control
. It is seen most often in people with autism
. Children with PDA feel threatened when they are not in control of their environment, which triggers the fight, flight, or freeze response
. Demand avoidance involves not being able to do certain things at certain times, either for oneself or others, and also refers to the things we do to avoid demands
. It is a natural human trait, but when it is more significant, there can be many possible reasons for this, such as physical or mental health, developmental or personality condition
. People with PDA tend to have an adverse reaction to being told how to behave or what to do, even when it’s something that’s an ordinary part of life
. There is debate about the evidence for and usefulness of the label "pathological demand avoidance"