what is pax

1 year ago 55

PAX can refer to different things based on the context:

  1. PAX as an event: PAX is a series of gaming culture festivals involving tabletop, arcade, and video gaming. It is held annually in Seattle, Boston, and Philadelphia in the United States, as well as in Melbourne, Australia. PAX was created in 2004 by Jerry Holkins and Mike Krahulik, the authors of the Penny Arcade webcomic. The shows include a keynote speech from an industry insider, game-culture inspired concerts, panels on game topics, exhibitor booths from both independent and major game developers and publishers, LAN party multiplayer, tabletop gaming tournaments, and video game freeplay areas).

  2. PAX as a tablet: In the context of religious ceremonies, PAX refers to a tablet decorated with a sacred figure, such as Christ, and sometimes ceremonially kissed by participants at mass. It can also refer to the kiss of peace in the Mass.

  3. PAX as a term: In a broader sense, PAX can also refer to peace, especially a period of general stability in international affairs under the influence of dominant military power.

In summary, PAX can refer to a gaming culture festival, a religious tablet, or a term for peace and stability in international affairs.