what is print media

11 months ago 21

Print media refers to any form of media that exists in a printed, ink-based form. It includes any written or pictorial form of communication produced mechanically or electronically using printing, photocopying, or digital methods. Examples of print media include newspapers, magazines, flyers, books, business cards, brochures, coupons, ads in magazines or newspapers, ads on billboards, postcards, and product packaging. Print media has been around since the emergence of the printing press in the 15th century, and it remains an important part of communication and marketing to this day. While print media has faced stiff competition from new media, such as the internet and television, it still remains relevant in some contexts. Print media offers a physical copy of the content, which readers can hold and read at their convenience, and it has a longer shelf life than electronic media. Print media, such as newspapers and magazines, are considered to be more credible than electronic media due to the rigorous fact-checking process they undergo.