what is process synchronization in os

1 year ago 77

Process Synchronization in Operating System

Process synchronization in an operating system refers to the coordination of the execution of multiple processes to ensure that they access shared resources in a controlled and predictable manner. It aims to resolve issues such as race conditions and data inconsistency that arise in concurrent systems. The main objective of process synchronization is to ensure that multiple processes access shared resources without interfering with each other and to prevent the possibility of inconsistent data due to concurrent access.

To achieve this, various synchronization techniques such as semaphores, monitors, and critical sections are used. These techniques help in maintaining the consistency of data by allowing only one process to make changes to the shared memory at a time. Process synchronization is essential for data integrity and to avoid the risk of deadlocks and other synchronization problems in a multi-process system.

In summary, process synchronization is a crucial aspect of modern operating systems, playing a vital role in ensuring the correct and efficient functioning of multi-process systems by regulating and forecasting resource access. It addresses the need for data consistency and integrity, and it is achieved through various synchronization mechanisms to coordinate the execution of processes and prevent conflicts in their execution.