what is prosthesis

1 year ago 57


A prosthesis is a device designed to replace a missing part of the body or to improve the function or appearance of a body part. It can be used to replace missing or diseased eyes, arms, hands, legs, joints, teeth, breasts, and other body parts. Prostheses can be used to restore function or improve appearance, and they can be worn externally or implanted during surgery. Prostheses are commonly used by individuals who have lost a limb due to cancer, diabetes, severe infection, or accidents. They can also be used after reconstructive surgery, such as breast or nose reconstruction following cancer treatment. Prosthetists are health professionals who specialize in designing and fitting prostheses, and they work with individuals to ensure that the prosthesis is comfortable and functional. Prostheses can greatly improve the quality of life for individuals who use them, but it may take time to adjust to using a prosthesis, and regular check-ups and adjustments may be necessary to ensure its effectiveness.