what is puberty class 10

1 year ago 93

Puberty is a significant stage in human development when a person transitions from childhood to adulthood and becomes sexually mature. It is a natural process that usually occurs between the ages of 10 and 14 for girls and 12 and 16 for boys. However, the onset of puberty can vary, with some girls starting as early as 8 and others as late as 13, and boys starting between 9 and 15.

During puberty, the body undergoes various physical and hormonal changes. These changes differ between boys and girls:


  • The first sign of puberty in girls is usually breast development.
  • Hair starts growing in the pubic area and armpits.
  • Menstruation, or a period, usually occurs last.


  • Puberty usually begins with the testicles and penis getting bigger.
  • Hair starts growing in the pubic area and armpits.

Understanding the changes that occur during puberty is essential for young people, as it helps them know what to expect and realize that everyone goes through these changes, regardless of their gender, preferences, or location.