what is rainwater harvesting

11 months ago 22

Rainwater harvesting is the collection and storage of rainwater, rather than allowing it to run off. Rainwater is collected from a surface, such as a roof, and redirected to a tank, cistern, deep pit, aquifer, or reservoir with percolation, so that it seeps into the ground. The main purpose of rainwater harvesting is to use the locally available rainwater to meet water requirements throughout the year without the need for huge capital expenditure.

Rainwater harvesting has several benefits, including:

  • Alternative water source: Rainwater harvesting provides an alternative water source during water restrictions and in areas where clean water is costly or difficult to come by.
  • Water conservation: Rainwater harvesting can decrease a households water costs or overall usage levels, and can teach valuable lessons in water conservation.
  • Sustainability: Rainwater harvesting is a sustainable process that reduces demand on existing water supply, and reduces run-off, erosion, and contamination of surface water.
  • Flexibility: Rainwater can be used for nearly any purpose that requires water, including landscape use, stormwater control, wildlife and livestock watering, in-home use, and fire protection.

Rainwater harvesting systems can range in size and complexity, but all systems have basic components, including a catchment surface, conveyance system, storage, distribution, and treatment. Harvested rainwater is typically used in non-potable applications but can meet potable standards with additional treatment.