what is rebasing in git

1 year ago 112

Git rebase is a process of integrating a series of commits on top of another base commit. It is a way to move or combine a sequence of commits to a new base commit, making it appear as if the branch was created from a different commit. Rebasing is most useful in the context of a feature branching workflow, and it is a linear process of merging.

When using git rebase, Git creates new commits and applies them to the specified base, changing the base of the branch from one commit to another. This process can be used to integrate upstream changes into a local repository, and it can help maintain a clean and linear commit history.

Rebasing can be incorporated into an existing Git workflow as much or as little as the team is comfortable with. However, it is important to use it with care, as it can rewrite history and create a convoluted commit history if used too frequently.

When a conflict occurs while rebasing, Git stops and asks the user to resolve it. Overall, git rebase is a useful tool for integrating changes from one branch onto another in a linear way, and it can help maintain a clean and organized commit history.