what is retaliation in the workplace

11 months ago 24

Retaliation in the workplace occurs when an employer takes an "adverse action" against an employee because they have exercised a "protected legal right". This can include any negative job action, such as demotion, discipline, firing, salary reduction, or job or shift reassignment. Retaliation can occur at any time after an employee exercises a protected right, and does not have to take place immediately. Federal law protects employees from retaliation when they complain about workplace discrimination or harassment, even if the claim turns out to be unfounded, as long as it was made in good faith. Retaliation can be subtle or blatant, but any negative action taken by an employer which is severe enough to deter a reasonable employee from exercising their legal rights is likely to support a legal claim. If an employee is experiencing retaliation at the workplace, they can consider calling a workplace retaliation lawyer.