what is rfid protection

11 months ago 27

RFID (Radio-frequency identification) is a technology that uses electromagnetic fields to automatically identify and track tags attached to objects. RFID is used for item level tagging in retail stores, and it provides protection against theft by customers and employees by using electronic article surveillance (EAS) . RFID-blocking material refers to substances that are known to interfere with an objects electromagnetic field, thereby blocking the unauthorized access or reading of RFID information. RFID-blocking products are designed to protect sensitive information from RFID skimming, a method thieves use to steal sensitive information simply by walking within a few feet of their targeted cardholder. RFID-blocking shields block any signals to RFID-enabled cards so that they cannot be read by unauthorized readers. RFID-blocking wallets use a layer of carbon fiber or aluminum to block the electromagnetic signal emitted from the card, creating a barrier and canceling out electromagnetic signals. RFID-blocking products can work, but they are not necessary because RFID skimming is not common or practical, and most information available via RFID is encrypted.