what is rfid tag in car

11 months ago 29

An RFID tag in a car is an electronic sticker that drivers can place on their cars and use as a credential to gain access to a gated vehicle entrance. RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification, and it is a technology that uses radio waves to wirelessly read and capture information stored on a tag attached to an object. In the case of a car RFID tag, the tag contains an identification number that can be transmitted back to an RFID reader. The RFID-powered sensor can wirelessly read these stickers, verify the driver’s identity, and grant access. Car RFID tags are part of a vehicle access control system that includes the following parts:

  • Car RFID tag: Residents place the car RFID tag on their vehicle.
  • RFID reader: The reader senses the tag when it is in its range and exchanges wireless signals with the tag.
  • Access control system: The system verifies the drivers identity and grants access to the gated vehicle entrance.

Car RFID tags have several applications, and depending on the type of RFID tags you buy, many features are available. Car dealerships use more intricate RFID tags that give real-time information on where their cars are. Property managers interested in controlling access to a parking lot or gate can use standard RFID tags. RFID vehicle tags are also used by car dealerships to more efficiently track, locate, and identify their inventory of vehicles, as well as customer cars in for repair.