what is rolfing

1 year ago 55

Rolfing is a form of bodywork that aims to reorganize the connective tissues, called fascia, that permeate the entire body. It was created by biochemist Ida P. Rolf in the 1940s and is marketed with unproven claims of various health benefits. Rolfing is typically delivered as a series of ten hands-on physical manipulation sessions sometimes called "the recipe". Practitioners combine superficial and deep manual therapy with movement prompts, and the process can sometimes be painful. The goal of Rolfing is to restore flexibility, revitalize energy, and leave the client feeling more comfortable in their body. The Rolfing process enables the body to regain the natural integrity of its form, thus enhancing postural efficiency and freedom of movement. Rolfing can potentially resolve discomfort, release tension, and alleviate pain. The Ten Series is a set of sessions that focus on releasing tension in different areas of the body before moving into the integration phase. The Ten Series frees first the superficial fascia then the deep fascia, with each session building upon the previous to create support for the next level of release. Rolfing practitioners use their hands, knuckles, elbows, and more to “release, realign and balance the whole body” . The idea is that by creating more space in the fascia, you’ll release tension and free up space inside your body. Rolfing differs from massage in that it aims for structural change, while massage aims to provide physical and emotional relief.