what is scopophobia

11 months ago 19

Scopophobia, also known as scoptophobia or ophthalmophobia, is an anxiety disorder characterized by an excessive and irrational fear of being seen in public or stared at by others. People with scopophobia find social interactions extremely stressful because they think they are being scrutinized or judged by others. The fear is out of proportion to the risk involved, and it can feel as though they are being watched all the time. Scopophobia is considered both a social phobia and a specific phobia. It is related to other irrational fears and phobias, such as erythrophobia (fear of blushing) and an epileptics fear of being looked at, which may itself precipitate such an attack. Scopophobia is usually centered around a fear of being scrutinized or judged by people, which can lead people to avoid drawing attention to themselves, and in some instances, to avoid certain public places or social interactions. Scopophobia is treatable, and people can learn to relax and enjoy their time in the company of others. Symptoms of scopophobia include:

  • Excessive fear of being watched or stared at
  • Overwhelming sense of danger and the need to escape
  • Anxiety, nervousness, and discomfort in social situations
  • Physical symptoms such as increased heart rate, shaking, perspiration, flushed skin, and dry mouth
  • Psychological symptoms such as tingling sensations, experiencing a fear of losing control, and a fear of dying

Not everyone with scopophobia experiences the symptoms in the same way. Some people may feel uncomfortable in social situations but are still able to attend them. Others may feel so overwhelmed that they avoid going out altogether. If scopophobia is a part of social anxiety disorder, the symptoms can disrupt a person’s daily life, interfere with daily routines, interfere with a person’s ability to do their job, and interfere with their social life and relationships.