what is secret clearance

1 year ago 73

A security clearance is a status granted to individuals allowing them access to classified information or to restricted areas, after completion of a thorough background check. In the United States, there are three levels of security clearance: confidential, secret, and top secret. A confidential clearance is the least restrictive and provides access to information that can cause damage to national security if it is disclosed without authorization. It must be reinvestigated for continued eligibility every 15 years. A secret clearance provides access to information that can cause serious damage to national security if disclosed without authorization. It must be reinvestigated for continued eligibility every 10 years. A top secret clearance is the most restrictive and provides access to information that can cause grave damage to national security if disclosed without authorization. It must be reinvestigated for continued eligibility every five years. The Department of State’s Bureau of Global Talent Management determines whether a position will require a security clearance, as well as the level required, based upon the duties and responsibilities of the position. The security clearance process examines an individuals criminal record, credit history, personal conduct, and other details to confirm that they are reliable, trustworthy, of good conduct and character, and loyal to the United States.