what is seller sku

11 months ago 21

A Seller SKU, or Stock Keeping Unit, is a unique alphanumeric code that Amazon sellers create to identify a specific product and its variant for the purpose of inventory and sales tracking. It is a tool provided by Amazon to make tracking and reporting of sales easier on the platform. The seller SKU is an essential tool for Amazon Seller Central and Amazon Vendor Central businesses for a variety of reasons. First, it helps them keep track of their inventory and work with the supply chain. With a unique ID for each item, sellers can easily monitor their stock levels and ensure they don’t oversell or run out of stock. Second, the Seller SKU can help sellers optimize their item listings and sales performance management. Using unique seller’s identifiers for products, Amazon businesses can track which products are selling well and which aren’t. This information can help them adjust their pricing, keywords, and other product details to improve sales performance.