what is simple assault

11 months ago 28

Simple assault is an act that causes someone to fear physical harm or injury, and it does not have to involve actual physical contact. It is a crime that can be committed with or without a weapon and can range from physical violence to threats of violence. Simple assault involves an intentional act that causes another person to be in reasonable fear of an imminent battery. It may also involve an attempt to cause harm to another person, where the threat must have been imminent. Simple assault is generally considered a less serious offense than aggravated assault, which typically involves the use of a weapon and/or severe bodily injury of another person. Simple assault is usually classified as a misdemeanor, and the penalties may include jail time, fines, revocation of a weapons license, probation, and mandatory anger management course. The severity of the punishment may depend on the circumstances of the offense, such as whether the victim is a child, elderly person, or a healthcare provider.