what is situs

11 months ago 22

Situs is a legal term that refers to the location of property or an item for legal purposes. The situs of an object is important when determining which laws apply to the property, since the situs of an object can change where a lawsuit can be brought regarding the property and often adds difficulties to resolving property disputes. The rules for determining situs vary between jurisdictions and can depend on the context). Here are some examples of situs:

  • The situs of real estate (land) is where it is located).
  • The situs of a chattel (tangible moveable item) is the state where the chattel is ).
  • The situs of a bearer instrument is where the document is located, but the situs of a registered instrument is where the register is held).
  • The situs of debts is where the debtor resides, since that is generally where legal action can be taken to enforce the debt).
  • The situs of intangible property, including intellectual property and goodwill, is where the property is registered, or, if not registered, where it is deemed to be located).

Situs can also refer to the place where something exists or originates, specifically the place where something (such as a right) is held to be located in law.