what is skepticism

11 months ago 30

Skepticism is a questioning attitude or doubt toward knowledge claims that are seen as mere belief or dogma. It is an attitude of inquiry that involves suspending judgment when evaluating an explanation or claims. Skepticism has been responsible for many important developments in science and philosophy. There are different types of skepticism, including:

  • Philosophical skepticism: This is the claim that the only justified attitude with respect to a field of propositions is suspension of judgment. It differs from ordinary skepticism in that it applies to a specific field of propositions.

  • Religious skepticism: This advocates for doubt concerning basic religious principles, such as immortality, providence, and revelation.

  • Scientific skepticism: This advocates for testing beliefs for reliability by subjecting them to systematic investigation using the scientific method to discover empirical evidence for them.

Skepticism is not a cynical rejection of new ideas, but rather an attitude of inquiry that involves investigation of alleged extraordinary phenomena, mindful cultivation of critical thinking, and an honest attitude toward intellectual inquiry. It is an important tool for navigating the complex borderlands between sense and nonsense, science and pseudoscience.