what is source code in python

11 months ago 30

Source code in Python refers to the human-readable computer instructions written by programmers using the Python programming language. It is a set of instructions, commands, and statements that guide the programs execution. Programmers write source code in a computer programming language, such as Python, so it appears in a human-readable text format. Source code is written using a simple text editor or more sophisticated tools such as an integrated development environment (IDE) . Before executing the source code, it must be translated or compiled into machine language that the computer can read using a program called a compiler. The translated code, known as object code, mainly consists of binary code (ones and zeroes) and cannot be easily understood by humans. Source code is important because it provides the basic foundation for creating software and allows for editing, customizing, or developing the software further. Access to source code also allows programmers to contribute to their community, either through sharing code for learning purposes or by recycling portions of it for other applications.