what is ssi benefits

1 year ago 78

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a federal program that provides monthly payments to people with limited income and resources, including those who are blind, aged 65 or older, or have a qualifying disability

. Some benefits of SSI include:

  • Monthly Payments : SSI provides monthly payments to eligible individuals, with the basic monthly SSI payment for 2023 being $914 for an individual and $1,371 for a couple
  • State Supplemental Payments : Some States supplement the federal SSI payment with additional payments, which can vary based on income, living arrangements, and other factors
  • Medical Assistance : In most States, SSI recipients can also receive medical assistance (Medicaid) to pay for hospital stays, doctor bills, prescription drugs, and other health costs
  • Food Assistance : SSI recipients may also be eligible for food assistance, and in some States, an application for SSI also serves as an application for food assistance
  • Social Security Benefits : Many people who are eligible for SSI may also be entitled to Social Security benefits. The application for SSI is also an application for Social Security benefits, but SSI and Social Security are different in many ways

To be eligible for SSI, an individual must meet one of the following requirements:

  • Be age 65 or older
  • Be totally or partially blind
  • Have a medical condition that keeps them from working and is expected to last at least one year or result in death

There are income and resource limits for SSI, with a person's resources (the things they own) worth no more than $2,000 and a married couple living together worth no more than $3,000