what is subjective data

1 year ago 63

Subjective data refers to information that comes from opinions, perceptions, or experiences, and it is often described qualitatively (nonnumerical)

. This type of data is open to interpretation and may change depending on who is providing the information

. Examples of subjective data in healthcare include a patient's reported symptoms, feelings, or experiences

. Subjective data is different from objective data, which is not open for interpretation and does not change depending on who measures or collects it

. Objective data is information that can be gathered using the nurse's senses of hearing, sight, smell, and touch, and it is typically obtained during the physical examination component of the assessment process

. Examples of objective data include vital signs, physical examination findings, and laboratory results

. In nursing, both subjective and objective data are essential pieces of the clinical story, and each type has different strengths

. Subjective data helps to gain context and details of the clinical story, while objective data adds specificity and certainty

. It is important for nurses to differentiate between these types of data for charting purposes and to communicate with others on the care team