what is surface water

11 months ago 23

Surface water refers to any body of water found on the Earths surface, including both saltwater in the ocean and freshwater in rivers, streams, and lakes. The vast majority of surface water is produced by precipitation. There are three major types of surface water:

  • Permanent (perennial) surface water: This type of surface water is present year-round and includes lakes, rivers, and wetlands such as marshes and swamps.

  • Semi-permanent (ephemeral) surface water: This type of surface water refers to bodies of water that are only present at certain times of the year, including seasonally dry channels such as creeks, lagoons, and waterholes.

  • Human-made surface water: This type of surface water is water that can be continued by infrastructures that humans have assembled.

Surface water is an important natural resource for irrigation, public supply, wetlands, and wildlife. It is also a key component of the hydrologic cycle, on which all life depends. Surface water and groundwater are two separate entities that must be regarded as such, although there is an ever-increasing need for management of the two as they are part of an interrelated system that is paramount when the demand for water exceeds the available supply.