what is table array in vlookup

1 year ago 78

In Excels VLOOKUP function, the table_array is the second argument required in the formula. It refers to a group of cells containing the source data from which values will be returned. The table_array is not limited to an actual Excel Table and can be any dataset with at least two columns, where the first column contains the lookup values and at least one other column carries the values to be returned. The syntax for the VLOOKUP function is: $$=VLOOKUP(lookup_value,table_array,col_index_num,.

To use the table_array in VLOOKUP, you can enter the reference of the top left cell and the bottom right cell in the array range, or click and drag the range in the worksheet to select the table_array when entering the VLOOKUP formula.

The cells in the table_array argument can use absolute or relative cell references, and they can even be present on another worksheet in the workbook.

In summary, the table_array in VLOOKUP is a crucial component that specifies the range of cells containing the source data from which the VLOOKUP function will retrieve values based on the lookup value.