what is tannin in wine

11 months ago 35

Tannins are naturally occurring phenolic compounds found in many kinds of plants, including grape skins, stems, and seeds. They act as a defense mechanism against animals and insects. Tannins help provide texture, balance, and structure to wine, and are an important part of what characterizes an individual wine. Both red and white grapes have tannins, but the intensity and characteristics vary. Tannins have more of a texture and feel than a specific flavor, and depending on how intense they are, they may cause a temporary puckering or drying sensation that some liken to the astringent sensation of eating an unripe piece of fruit or drinking a cup of strong tea. Tannins in wine can come from grape skins, seeds, stems, oak, and additives. Wines with high levels of tannins can age for decades. Tannins are also found in foods and beverages such as tea, dark chocolate, nuts, and coffee.