what is technetium99m used for

11 months ago 19

Technetium-99m (99mTc) is a radionuclide isotope that is primarily used for imaging and diagnostic purposes. It is a short-lived form of Tc-99 that emits readily detectable gamma rays with a photon energy of 140 keV, making it well-suited for use as a radioactive tracer in medical imaging. Some of the medical diagnostic uses of technetium-99m include:

  • Brain imaging: Used to detect brain tumors, blood clots, and other abnormalities in the brain.
  • Bone imaging: Used to detect bone cancer, fractures, and infections.
  • Lung imaging: Used to detect blood clots, lung cancer, and other lung diseases.
  • Kidney imaging: Used to detect kidney function and abnormalities.
  • Thyroid imaging: Used to detect thyroid function and abnormalities.
  • Heart imaging: Used to assess cardiac perfusion, left ventricle function, and coronary artery disease.
  • Gall bladder imaging: Used to detect gall bladder function and abnormalities.
  • Liver imaging: Used to detect liver function and abnormalities.
  • Spleen imaging: Used to detect spleen function and abnormalities.
  • Bone marrow imaging: Used to detect bone marrow function and abnormalities.
  • Salivary and lachrymal gland imaging: Used to detect abnormalities in these glands.
  • Blood pool imaging: Used to detect blood flow and abnormalities.
  • Sentinel node imaging: Used to detect the first lymph node that cancer cells are likely to spread to.

It is important to note that technetium-99m has a short half-life of 6 hours, which means it does not remain in the body or the environment for long.