what is teleport

1 year ago 77

Teleport has two primary meanings:

  1. In fiction : Teleportation is a fictional transfer of matter or energy from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them

. It is commonly associated with science fiction literature and other popular culture, often paired with time travel. In this context, teleportation allows characters to travel between different locations or planets instantly, bypassing the need for physical transportation

  1. In technology : Teleport is also the name of a software solution that replaces credentials with identity-based access, providing a phishing-proof zero-trust access for engineers and services

. It consists of two binaries and is designed to be easy to deploy and use, with a focus on simplicity and user experience

. Teleport's identity-aware access proxy, CA that issues short-lived certificates, unified access control system, and tunneling system enable secure and seamless access to resources