what is teppanyaki

1 year ago 52

Teppanyaki is a style of Japanese cuisine that uses an iron griddle to cook food. The word "teppanyaki" is derived from "teppan," the metal plate on which it is cooked, and "yaki," which means grilled, broiled, or pan-fried. Teppanyaki dishes include steak, shrimp, okonomiyaki, yakisoba, and monjayaki, and are typically cooked in front of guests at restaurants using propane- heated, flat-surfaced griddles

. Teppanyaki is often confused with hibachi, which is a small, portable barbecue grill made from cast iron and commonly uses charcoal as its heating source. However, teppanyaki grilling involves using an iron griddle with a flat, solid surface to prepare food in front of guests

. Teppanyaki chefs are often trained to perform tricks like flaming an onion volcano or tossing a shrimp tail into their pocket, making it a performative culinary art