what is the inverse of log

1 year ago 59

The inverse of a logarithmic function is an exponential function. In other words, if $$f(x)$$ is a logarithmic function, then its inverse is an exponential function $$f^{-1}(x)$$. The logarithmic function and its inverse are symmetrical along the line $$y = x$$. To find the inverse of a logarithmic function, follow these steps:

  1. Replace the function notation $$f(x)$$ with $$y$$.
  2. Swap the $$x$$s and $$y$$'s.
  3. Solve the resulting equation for $$y$$.
  4. Replace $$y$$ with the inverse notation $$f^{-1}(x)$$.

For example, let's find the inverse of the logarithmic function $$f(x) = \log_2(x)$$.

  1. Replace $$f(x)$$ with $$y$$: $$y = \log_2(x)$$.
  2. Swap the $$x$$'s and $$y$$'s: $$x = \log_2(y)$$.
  3. Solve for $$y$$: $$2^x = y$$.
  4. Replace $$y$$ with the inverse notation $$f^{-1}(x)$$: $$f^{-1}(x) = 2^x$$.

To check if we have the correct inverse, we can graph both the logarithmic function and its inverse on the same $$xy$$-axis. If the graphs are symmetrical along the line $$y = x$$, then we have the correct inverse.