what is the legal age for sex

1 year ago 58

The legal age of consent for sexual activity in the United States varies by state. As of August 1, 2018, the age of consent in each state is either 16, 17, or 18 years of age

. For example, in Nebraska, an individual 16 years or older can legally consent to participating in sexual activity

. It's important to note that even if the age of consent in a particular state is 16 years old, engaging in sexual activities with a minor who is under the age of 18 may still be considered illegal if there is a significant age difference between the partners

. Each state enacts its own laws which set the age of consent, and engaging in sexual activity with a person younger than the age of consent could lead to charges of statutory rape or other offenses

. Therefore, it's crucial to be aware of the specific age of consent laws in the state where the activity takes place.