what is the purpose of sanctions

11 months ago 22

Sanctions are coercive measures applied against states, non-state entities, or individuals that pose a threat to international peace and security. The purpose of imposing sanctions is to discourage or penalize certain actions or policies and encourage a change in behavior or compliance with specific demands set forth by the sanctioning entities. The objectives pursued are to modify the behavior of an agent, reduce its capacity for maneuver, or weaken its position and publicly denounce those agents that pose a threat to international peace and security. Governments and multinational bodies impose economic sanctions to try to alter the strategic decisions of state and non-state actors that threaten their interests or violate international norms of behavior. Sanctions are fundamentally preventive and should be proportionate, and they are used as an alternative to the use of armed force. Sanctions can range from travel bans and export restrictions to trade embargoes and asset seizures. The most frequent sanctions regimes are those that include economic-commercial measures, financial measures, or individual sanctions such as the prohibition of entry into a state or the freezing of assets. Sanctions are generally viewed as a lower-cost, lower-risk course of action than military intervention.