what is the role of epidermis in plant

11 months ago 44

The epidermis is the outermost layer of cells covering the stem, root, leaf, flower, fruit, and seed parts of a plant. Its main functions include:

  • Protection: The epidermis provides a protective barrier against mechanical injury, water loss, and infection.

  • Regulation of gas exchange: The epidermis regulates the gas exchange in plant cells.

  • Secretion of metabolic compounds: The epidermis regulates the secretion of metabolic compounds.

  • Transpiration: Various modified epidermal cells regulate transpiration, which is the process of water movement through a plant and its evaporation from aerial parts, such as leaves, stems, and flowers.

  • Absorption of water: Some modified epidermal cells increase water absorption.

  • Dissemination of bacteria: The epidermis is crucial in the infection and dissemination of certain bacteria.

Epidermis differentiation and maintenance are essential for plant survival, and there is constant cross-talk between epidermal cells and their immediate environment.