what is the transit number on a cheque

1 year ago 57

A transit number, also known as a routing number, is a unique nine-digit number that helps financial institutions identify what institution issued checks or other financial documents. The transit number is specific to the bank, not to the individual account holder. It is printed on checks so that other banks can determine which bank the check was first drawn from. The transit number is made up of five digits and identifies which branch the account was opened at. The institution number, which is three digits, identifies the bank. The account number, which is seven to twelve digits, identifies the individual account.

To find your bank transit number, you can look at the bottom left corner of any check in your checkbook. The transit number should be printed there. If you don’t have any checks, you can find the number by heading to your bank’s website, calling your bank branch or support line, or visiting your branch in person.