what is title ix in sports

11 months ago 16

Title IX is a federal civil rights law that prohibits sex discrimination in educational programs and activities, including athletics programs. The law requires schools that receive federal funding to provide equal athletic opportunities regardless of sex. Title IX applies to all educational institutions in the US and requires them to reward male and female athletes equally and prevent discrimination when it comes to accessing sports facilities, training centers, equipment, and other support provided to sport programs.

There are three parts to Title IX as it applies to athletics programs: (1) effective accommodation of student interests and abilities (participation), (2) athletic financial assistance (scholarships), and (3) other program components (the “laundry list” of benefits to and treatment of athletes) . Title IX compliance is assessed via a total program comparison, meaning the entire men’s and women’s programs are compared, not just one men’s team to the women’s team in the same sport.

Under Title IX, there are no sport exclusions or exceptions, so football is included under the law. Individual participation opportunities (numbers of athletes participating rather than the number of sports) in all men’s sports and all women’s sports are counted in determining whether a school meets the Title IX participation standard.

In determining whether equal athletic opportunities are available, the Title IX regulation specifies the following factors which must be considered: accommodation of athletic interests and abilities, equipment and supplies, scheduling of games and practice time, travel and per diem allowances, opportunity for coaching and academic tutoring, assignment and compensation of coaches and tutors, locker rooms and other facilities.

Title IX has helped focus attention on meeting the needs of women interested in athletics and helped education officials to recognize their responsibilities regarding the provision of equal athletic opportunity. Despite its shortcomings, Title IX is one of the first few laws to create institutional provisions for women’s representation in sport and it has indeed been able to bring a historic change in the landscape of women’s sports.