what is torque in bike

11 months ago 22

Torque in a bike refers to the twisting capability of the engine, which establishes the driving force for the bikes rotational motion. It is the amount of force or twisting force that is available at the wheels to propel the bike further. Torque is measured in force multiplied by distance, which provides leverage. The torque starts at the engine, goes through gears, sprockets/the shaft, and the wheel to transform into force against the top layer of the road. The engine torque becomes thrust after gearing and helps the bike move forward. Torque is calculated by multiplying force and distance, which provides leverage. The tightness of nuts and bolts is measured as torque, and it is also useful in understanding stresses on the bicycle frame, and the workings of the bicycle drivetrain and brakes. Skilled bicycle mechanics have traditionally tightened these by feel, but bicycle and component manufacturers increasingly instruct mechanics to use a torque wrench.