what is triangulation in psychology

11 months ago 30

Triangulation is a term used in psychology to describe a dynamic that can arise from a conflict between two people. It involves them communicating primarily through a neutral third party, rather than directly with each other. Triangulation can be a form of manipulation, and it is often used to exploit an interaction between two people who are not communicating directly. There are different types of triangulation, including early triangulation, which is a necessary step in a childs development). However, destabilizing triangulation occurs when a person attempts to control the flow, interpretation, and nuances of communication between two separate actors or groups of actors, thus ensuring communications flow through, and constantly relate back to them). Triangulation can occur in any relationship, including families, friendships, romantic relationships, and in the workplace. It is often used as a manipulation tactic to gain an advantage over perceived rivals by manipulating them into conflicts with one another. Signs of triangulation include limited or no communication between the two triangulated individuals except through the manipulator, and it can create misunderstandings and conflicts, often serving as a manipulative strategy to control or gain power. To avoid engaging in triangulation, strengthening communication skills may be beneficial, and a therapist can help with this.