Triangulation is a method used in various fields, such as geology, navigation, and research, to determine the location or position of something using the locations of other things or data sources
. There are several types of triangulation, including:
- Data triangulation : Involves using data from different times, spaces, and people
- Investigator triangulation : Involves multiple researchers in collecting or analyzing data
- Theory triangulation : Involves using varying theoretical perspectives in your research
- Methodological triangulation : Involves using different methodologies to approach the same topic
Triangulation is commonly used in qualitative research and can help enhance the validity and credibility of findings
. It can also be applied in quantitative research and mixed methods research, which always uses triangulation
. The main reasons for using triangulation are to reduce research bias, enhance validity, and establish credibility by providing a complete picture of the research problem
. However, triangulation can also have some limitations, such as increasing the complexity of the research process and potentially leading to contradictory findings